How do I find out if an individual went to Middlebury? Do you have any information about an individual who went to Middlebury?


A good place to start is the Internet ArchiveYou can click the "search text contents" radio button and type the name of the person in the search bar in the center of the page. We recommend putting the name in quotation marks and trying various formats: nicknames, middle names and initials, maiden names, common abbreviations and misspellings, etc. (ie. "Jeremiah Atwater" "J. Atwater") 

If you are currently on the Middlebury campus, try looking the individual up in this catalogue, located in Special Collections as well as in the reference section in Davis Family Library. Note that the catalogue only goes up to the year 2000.

Next, try searching this spreadsheet for Middlebury alumni. If a name is listed in the spreadsheet, this means that Special Collections has an alumni folder for that individual. Please contact for more information. Note that not every individual who attended Middlebury currently has a folder in Special Collections. 


  • Last Updated Dec 16, 2024
  • Views 50
  • Answered By Kaitlin Buerge

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