Question about PDF

Question about pdf



I am not sure whom to contact, please, advise.


I need to make pdf copy of my own book (I am the author) for personal use and sharing with colleagues, with whom I am working together on the project.


Should I refer to printing and copying or there is some help in the library.  It is time consuming to make it by hand, but maybe there are other ways to do it?


Thank you,


Tatiana Smorodinska


Russian department



Smorodinskaya, Tatiana. Konstantin Sluchevskiĭ : nesvoevremennyĭ poėt. Sankt Peterburg: Izdatelʹstvo DNK, 2008. Print.



The Interlibrary Loan Department can help you with this, just send an email to to arrange this. You can also just bring the book in question to the Davis Family Library Circulation Desk and ask to speak with someone from ILL in person. If your timeline is flexible the work can be scanned (in sections) by ILL workers.  If you need it ASAP, they would at minimum be able to set you up at a scanner.

Rachel Manning
Coordinator of Interlibrary Loan.


  • Last Updated Jun 11, 2024
  • Views 5
  • Answered By Rachel

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