Hello, I am a MA student with the Paris program. I would like to access the article "Les femmes et le catholicisme a bordeaux sous la révolution française" by Christelle Nadau. When I try to login to ILLiad, it says that my credentials are incorrect. Thank you for your help!


Patron all set and working with ILLiad successfully!


Your password should be your Middlebury password, the same thing that is used to login to Middlebury email or a computer.

If this still gives you trouble try resetting your Middlebury password.

Did you add a new weird character to your Middlebury password the last time you changed it?  ILLiad can have issues with the inclusion of some less common special characters in passwords.

  • Last Updated Dec 07, 2023
  • Views 45
  • Answered By Rachel

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