Can I renew my ILL materials?


Yes, for most items:

  1. From within ILLiad, select “Checked Out Items” from the menu on the left.
  2. Open the item you would like to renew by clicking on the request number.
  3. Click “Renew Request” at the top of the detailed information page to place the renewal request. There is a limited window of opportunity for placing a renewal. Renewals can only be placed 10 days before the due date through one day beyond the original due date. Items already identified as non-renewable will have no button. However, each renewal request is sent to the lender for review, and it is up to the lender to grant or decline our renewal request, so seeing the button in ILLiad is NOT a guarantee of a renewal. ILL staff will update Millennium and ILLiad with the dates provided by the Lending Libraries, and e-mail patrons when a renewal has been denied. You can check the status of your renewal in ILLiad or in My MIDCAT


  • Last Updated Nov 25, 2019
  • Views 57
  • Answered By Terry Simpkins

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