I am off campus. How do I access a subscription journal or database?


To access a particular e-resource from off campus, Middlebury users* can click on its link from the library homepage, MIDCAT, Middlebury Databases, or LibrarySearch.

When you encounter the login screen, enter your Middlebury username and password to authenticate to the databases. If you attempt to access a resource through Google or another search engine, the library authentication will not appear.

This service is called EZproxy. It is all you need. Once logged in, you will have access to all our subscription e-resources. You will not need to log in again unless you close your Web browser.

* For remote access to subscription resources, a “Middlebury user” is a current Middlebury student, faculty, or staff member as defined by College administrative records. This is strictly controlled by license agreements with database vendors. Such agreements are standard across higher education institutions.


  • Last Updated Mar 13, 2020
  • Views 61
  • Answered By Terry Simpkins

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